Hi!!! It's just me Jenn....
Just figured I'd give a little backstory. I'm not extraordinary by any means... Just a Latina Mom from South Texas. Yea, I've had some trauma, but no biggie...Somethings we never get over and some things we handle/deny/crush. We just keep on strutting. Any who, I'm a Mom of 5. I thought I was done...well lemme tell you ....unless you can medically prove it, don't assume lol. I had twins at 42 y'all... So my children are pretty stretched out. I decided to create this site as a public journal. I've isolated myself for about the past 4 years. And as you follow along with my posts you'll begin to see the story unfold. Cuz let's face it folks..I'm already 48, It may take a while, and y'all might get bored so I gotta leave y'all hanging a lil' bit LOL.. But, the main reason for this site is for a particular painful thing for me that occurred after the Twinkies were born. At the moment, I'm not using full names for the individuals I am including. Maybe I will at a later date. But at the moment, I'm not comfortable with it. Mainly, I haven't secured their permissions to use their names in my retelling of my story.
So Let's this part done...Mom, Loves music, all music. But metal....man.....METAL!!! Now....Do NOT get me wrong...I will..."Bust a move"... "Get Low"...I'm old School babes...I love it ALL..........
LoL. I read a lot. A LOT. I get tunnel vision when I'm tring to figure something out. Love cats. I play the Sims games as well....
I think I should conclude this session for now...
I hope I see y'all reading my sob-story lol. And please send feedback!!